Trustee Candidates respond to our questions about Active Transportation

Trustee Candidates respond to our questions about Active Transportation

Youth en Route, together with Bike Calgary , asked trustee candidates for their thoughts about active transportation to school. At the last Calgary City Council meeting in September, councillors unanimously passed a motion to “Prioritize Schools for improvements to the 5A network.” (5A means Always Accessible for All Ages and Abilities.) While city administration comes…

Crescent Heights High School

Crescent Heights High School

As teacher Jonny Barrett looks at the jumble of tires, chains and handlebars nestled in a stairwell at Crescent Heights High School, he doesn’t see bikes. He sees exciting and new learning opportunities for students. His colleague, Jenna Seagrove, a Phys-Ed specialist, fundraised and spearheaded a collaboration with local charity Two Wheel View to get…