James Fowler High School
Here is what is new at Fowler
Fowler has a fleet of bikes used by PE 20/30 classes – giving students the opportunity to try riding. We look forward to be working with more gym classes this upcoming year.
There is also a lock library which can be found in the office.
Contact Ms. Bjolverud for more information!
Most importantly, James Folwer’s welding class finally finished their brand new YER design bike rack! Your bikes can now be safely stored at the front of the school.

In detail…

The school’s bike program is going full wheel ahead!
Youth en Route has donated 40 bikes and helmets to the school. Teachers are gearing up to get PE 20 and 30 students riding in classes in the spring. Many students are excited to start riding.
Here is some data proof that bike fleets at schools are a great idea!
We must recognize our awesome partners at Greater Forest Lawn 55+ Society Men Shed who willingly invented and installed vertical bike racks in a classroom at James Folwer to make sure it’s very easy and accessible for the kids to get to their bikes during gym class.
These racks can be secured together and stand freely, avoiding any inconvenience for the teachers.

Welcome Falcons!
We know it isn’t always easy to get to school, but here you’ll find resources and information aimed to help you to choose Active Transportation to get to school.
The circle shows an eight-kilometer radius from the school. Most cyclists can ride at 20 kilometers an hour – so this means an 8-kilometre ride is usually about 30 minutes.
Consider where you live in relation to the school.
Is there a safe and accessible route for you?
We’ve created some suggested maps that might help you choose a route.

Infrastructure Report

Brand new infrastructure report for James Fowler High School!
Youth En Route worked very hard in collaboration with two graduate Urban Planning students, Nada Affan, and Adam Schwartz to create this report. It offers research findings and actionable recommendations for safer biking infrastructure throughout Calgary. Establishing the right infrastructure is key to creating safe and healthy environments for pedestrians and cyclists. We hope this report will put forward safe biking infrastructure ideas to get to school and spark conversations within communities to make such changes. To know more, read this post!
Theft Video
Thief video into a statement
Youth en Route knows that the risk of bike theft is a significant barrier to students choosing active travel. The risk of theft is the No. 3 reason for not riding to school, having an average of 60% of students telling us they are afraid of losing their bikes per school. We hope that this video will enlighten all Calgarians on the right ways of securing their bicycles.
Always Put Safety First:
Safety is your responsibility. Please ride where you are comfortable, know your route and always wear a helmet!