
Youth En Route Schools

Welding students at Forest Lawn High school refurbished their school bike rack and they’re always full, now that the school has them inside
Bike Mechanic Adam Rhind shows Outdoor Ed students at Robert Thirsk the finer points of changing a tire
Mr. Lawrence in the Bike room at Bishop McNally

Our Project Schools

We start our work at each school with a student transportation survey. This helps us understand the issue students face using active transportation. Every school community is different, and we listen to students to create solutions to meet the needs of the school community. At some schools the focus in using classes to engage students and improve knowledge and skills. Other is more of a school wide effort to encourage active travel, reducing pollution and congestion around schools.

Then, we’ll build out a school-specific site, where we an put all the resources and information that the students want so it is easily accessible. We will often use QR codes, posted on bike racks, to direct students to resources and information. We work with the city of Calgary planning department. We’ll collect information and ideas from students and pass them along to influence changes to infrastructure, including pathways, crosswalks and routes to school.

A number of schools have fleets of bikes, salvaged from landfills, or donated, and then refurbished by the mature adults at the Greater Forest Lawn 55+ Society Community Center.

Each project school has a page, where we share information and data.

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