Be Prepared: Buy our Shift Happens Pack
When Youth en Route encourage students to ride bikes to school, we focus on safety and being prepared.
Learning to change a tire, fix a dropped chain and make minor repairs empower youth, giving them the confidence to ride to school, and even further from home. We tell students to create a safety kit – tire pump, multi-tool and basic first aid and always take it with them when they ride so they are prepared if something goes wrong.
So when our fundraising committee got thinking about how to generate some money to support our work, the answer was obvious.
Emergency Pack on sale now
So we’ve got one for you. Buy it, and you’ll support our programming at schools. This is our first major fundraiser, and we are cautiously optimistic that Calgarians will decide the pack is useful and offers good value. Cost is $65. (It’s an $80 value!) Of course, our business plan also includes getting a couple of them to all our our project schools – especially those with bike fleets and that regularly ride in classes.
And while this won’t get you out of every bad situation, it will help with inclement weather, broken down bikes, skinned knees or other small mishaps.
- Multi-valve mini pump with pressure gauge
- Evo Multi-tool 11
- Tire levers and patch kit
- 6” adjustable wrench
- Rain poncho
- Magic gloves
- Hand wipe packages
- Zip ties
- Wound-cleansing wipes, Band-aids (large and small) & zinc ointment packages
- Info Card with emergency numbers and safety info
- And some Lifesavers! Just ‘cause

In a triangle bag

It’s all comes in a small triangle bag that is water resistant with reflective markings. While the bag isn’t designed to hang on your bike – it can be modified by a shoe-maker or alterations shop to add velcro straps to fit most frames. (If you get yours modified, please share on social media and tag us so we can pass along your design to other buyers.)
Oh and credit to YER board member Dimitri Giannoulis for the good name.
“We thought this was a useful item that cyclists would be interested in. We’ve made it fun and the components are great quality, said Kimberley Nelson, YER Board member and fundraising committee chair. “It’s also a great gift for a youth or any cyclist in your family.”
Where to buy it:
Now to the important part, where you can find it.
B&P Cycle: 1717 52nd St SE. Monday- Thursday 10-6, Friday 10-8, Saturday 9-5 on online on their website
Bathtub Bikes: 3307 17th Ave SE in Rexall Plaza. Tuesday – Saturday 11-6
If you know a local retailer that should be selling these for us, please reach out. All proceeds go the Youth En Route.
And thanks to our partners!
Thanks to these local business for helping us put it all together
B&P Cycle: Brent and Brandon got us all the bike-specific stuff – in their always efficient and timely way
Princess Auto: Thanks to Hailey at the South Store for the wrenches
Canyon Dollar Store: Aman was able to source the gloves for a deal
Calgary Specialty Products: Laura helped make sure the bag met all of our needs.